Film Artists' Association of Croatia

The Film Artists' Association of Croatia is a trade union representing artists working in the Croatian film industry. Founded in May 1950 the association has around 400 members in its eight departments.
According to its mission statement HDFD seeks to encourage the freedom and quality of local film making; promote Croatian films; cooperate with similar trade associations; connect people involved in all aspects of film making; promote enforcement of intellectual property rights; participate in the creation of regulatory legislation concerning the film industry; negotiate collective bargaining agreements that establish pension and health plans for film workers and performers; and organize various film-related events and round tables.
The association's main governing body is the managing board made up of heads of HDFD's eight departments plus the association president and vice-president. Its current president is Silvio Jasenković.
The association participates in organizing events such as the "Croatian Film Days" and the Pula Film Festival. HDFD is also responsible for selecting Croatian submissions for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.