Filamer Christian University

Filamer Christian University is a private university located in Roxas City, Capiz. It was established 1904 by Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Robbins with the help of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. "Filamer" is the combined name of Filipino and American who ventured together in providing Christian education in the Philippines.


At the turn of the century, after 300 years of Spanish domination, the United States of America took over Spain as a colonial power.
By the early 1900s, Protestant missionaries arrived in the Philippines. By agreement of the major Protestant denominations, the Philippines were divided into mission territories. Western Visayas went to the American Baptists, hence Baptist institutions such as Filamer Christian University, Central Philippine University, Capiz Emmanuel Hospital.

School seal

The Outer Circle Official Seal of Filamer Christian University represents the programs and services that Filamer offers. The Inner Circle symbolizes the development of the individual's well-rounded personality. The Equilateral Triangle inside the circle stands for the three balanced components of human potentialities: the spiritual, the intellectual, and the physical with the spiritual aspect as the base. The Cross represents the victorious Christ as the center. The symbol emphasizes the love of God. The Sun represents the illuminating light and eternal hope for every person who searched for truth and wisdom. The number 1904 stands for the year the school was founded.