Fiji Sports Council

The Fiji Sports Council is an organisation that is the custodian of all Fiji Government owned Sporting Facilities around the country. Fiji Sports Council is tasked to manage, maintain and upkeep all facilities under its area of responsibilities. The Fiji Sports Council is self funding and does not receive Government Funding for its Operational Expenses. It is also one of the leading providers of quality sports and recreational facilities and programs at national, regional and international levels. It was established in 1978 under the Fiji Sports Council Act and a year later in 1979 it hosted the first South Pacific Games. It is not affiliated to FASANOC. It was established under an Act of Parliament so has its own rules. The organisation is headed by its Chief Executive Officer Litiana Loabuka who is governed by a Board of Directors chaired by Businessman Peter Mazey.


Its main aim is to foster, promote and market the recreational and sporting facilities in Fiji and to also:
Since it establishment in 1978, it has helped developed sporting centers and facilities and to upgrade it to International standards such as:
It mainly funds its organisation by running its own advertising campaign and also collects money
through Billboard advertising.