Fiction Illustrated
Fiction Illustrated is a short-lived series of early illustrated fiction, similar to graphic novels, produced and packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Productions in the 1970s and published by Pyramid/Jove/HBJ. Four were produced, with a fifth was planned. All but one were written by Byron Preiss. The first three were published digest size, the fourth was published in larger format.Volumes
- Fiction Illustrated #1—Schlomo Raven: Public Detective
- Fiction Illustrated #2—Starfawn
- Fiction Illustrated #3—
- Fiction Illustrated #4—Son of Sherlock Holmes
- Dragonworld, Preiss and Michael Reaves, illustrated by Joseph Zucker.
- * Doubleday hardcover, 1979
- * Bantam / Dell paperback, 1979)
- * Spectra paperback
- * Bantam / Dell paperback
- * iBooks, Inc. paperback
- * iBooks, Inc. ebook
- * iBooks, Inc. paperback
- * iBooks, Inc. paperback
- Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination as a planned two-volume graphic novel, illustrated by Howard Chaykin, Putnam/Berkley, 1978. Volume two never published, Complete published by Epic Comics, xx.
- Samuel R. Delany's Empire, illustrated by Howard Chaykin, Putnam/Berkley, 1978. /
- The Illustrated Roger Zelazny, illustrated by Gray Morrow, Baronet, 1978, Ace Books, 1979.