Festspiele Balver Höhle

Festspiele Balver Höhle is an arts festival, featuring musical and theatrical performances, in Balve, Germany. The festival is centered on the cave of Balve. The association was founded in 1985 in Volkringhausen and based on an idea by Franz Hoffmeister and Theodor Pröpper.


A valuable part of Festspiele Balver höhle is the festival.

Balver Märchenwochen

The most successful adaption was Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land in the year 2001. In 2009 they did a piece called "Der kleine Muck".

Justus Frantz

The German musical director and pianist Justus Frantz was invited by the Festspiele Balver Höhle from 1995 – 2007 each year. In the early years it was a cooperation with the Kreishandwerkerschaft Märkischer Kreis.
He conducted a soulful version of Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony with the Philharmonie der Nationen.



In December 2007 Winfried Hagen resigned as chairman together with his wife Gabriele Hagen, his daughter Stephanie Hagen and the arts director Werner Traud.


The director organizes the cultural events at Festspiele Balver Höhle. The board appoints the artistic director.

Artistic directors

The artistic director appoints the children's theatre director.
The artistic director appoints the dance instructor especially for Balver Märchenwochen.
The artistic director appoints the musical director especially for Balver Märchenwochen.

