
Felsővadász is a village in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary.


Felsővadász village is located in a valley between Kupa and Gadna. The closest towns are Szikszó, Edelény and Encs.


Near the village paleolithic artifacts found. The name Felsővadász means "Upper-hunter" because this location given to the royal hunters together with Alsóvadász - "Lower-hunter". The first mention was in 1279. The Rákóczi family bought the village in 1517. The Turkish army attacked and burned up the castle in 1567. In 1860 a windstorm ruined the wooden Greek Catholic Church so a new elected in 1864.

Notable people

The family castle of George II Rákóczi is in this village what appears in the lower part of the coat of arms.