Felix Mann

Felix Mann was a German-born acupuncturist. He devised the system known as Scientific Acupuncture and was the founder and past-president of the Medical Acupuncture Society. He was also the first president of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, and the author of the first comprehensive English language acupuncture textbook Acupuncture: The Ancient Chinese Art of Healing first published in 1962. In 1995, he received The German Pain Prize. Mann, who was based in England, also lectured internationally on medical acupuncture. Mann distanced himself from traditional beliefs in the existence of acupuncture points and meridians.

Criticism of basic acupuncture concepts

Mann distanced himself from traditional beliefs in the existence of acupuncture points and meridians. He stated in his book Reinventing Acupuncture: A New Concept of Ancient Medicine:
And regarding meridians…
Regarding the whole meridian system:

New concepts

In his later years, Mann introduced some new acupuncture concepts he found important.
He regarded a significant part – perhaps as much as 50% of the patients – as strong reactors:
Mann introduced a new acupuncture method that he regarded as stronger than traditional skin acupuncture: Periosteal acupuncture. This involves inserting the needles into the periosteum – almost all the way down to the bone.
