Federal University of Technology – Paraná

The Federal University of TechnologyParaná is a federal university with campuses in thirteen cities located in the state of Paraná. UTFPR is one of the most renowned Universities in Brazil.


The campi are located in the following cities:
On September 23, 1909, the President of Brazil, Nilo Peçanha created the Escolas de Aprendizes e Artífices, in the Paraná state this school started on January 16, 1910 named Escola de Aprendizes e Artífices do Paraná.
Two decades later, it started acting as a basic education school and was renamed Industrial Lyceum of Curitiba in 1937. Later it was instituted together with federal industrial schools, renamed Technical School of Curitiba in 1942 and then to Federal Technical School of Paraná in 1959.
In 1978 it became a Federal Center of Technological Education., renamed Federal Center of Technological Education of Paraná.
On October 7, 2005, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva transformed it into the first Federal University of Technology in Brazil, renamed Federal University of Technology – Paraná. It still acts as a technical high school, classified as the best of Paraná, according to the Brazilian education index ENEM. And today is the best federal university in the state according to the Ministry of Education.
YearPortuguese nameEnglish name
1909Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do ParanáParaná's Schools of Apprentices and Artificers
1937Liceu Industrial do ParanáParaná's Industrial Lyceum
1942Escola Técnica de CuritibaCuritiba's Technical School
1959Escola Técnica Federal do ParanáParaná's Federal Technical School
1978Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do ParanáParaná's Federal Center of Technological Education
2005Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáFederal University of Technology – Paraná


UTFPR offers Licentiate, Bachelor, Bachelor of Engineering and technology degrees.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Curitiba.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Londrina.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Medianeira.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Pato Branco.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Ponta Grossa.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Dois Vizinhos


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Santa Helena.


Those are the degrees offered by the UTFPR campus in Campo Mourão.
