February 6 Intifada

The events of the February 6 Intifada or February 6 uprising in West Beirut, which took place in February 1984 during the Lebanese Civil War, transformed the West Beirut into a playing field for armed gangs.
The virtual collapse of the Lebanese Army in February 1984, following the defection of many Muslim and Druze units to Amal and PSP militias, was a major blow to the government. With the U.S. Marines looking ready to withdraw, Syrian Arab Republic and Muslim groups stepped up pressure on Amine Gemayel. On 5 March 1984, as a result of the Intifada and the parallel Mountain War the Lebanese Government canceled the 17 May Agreement, and the Marines departed a few weeks later.
The violence ended in December 1985 with tripartite Damascus agreement of December 1985 between the Lebanese Forces, Amal and the Progressive Socialist Party.