Fear(s) of the Dark

Fear of the Dark is a 2007 French black-and-white animated horror anthology film on the subject of fear produced by Prima Linéa Productions and written and directed by several notable comic book creators and graphic designers. It was premiered at the 2007 Roma Film Festival and released in France in February 2008.


Throughout the film are a series of two-dimensional computer-animated intervals written, designed and directed by Pierre di Sciullo.
The first story is a traditional animation written, designed and directed by Blutch.
The second story is a three-dimensional computer animation written, designed and directed by Charles Burns.
The third story is a two-dimensional computer animation written by Romain Slocombe and designed and directed by Marie Caillou.
The fourth story is a traditional animation written by Jerry Kramsky and designed and directed by Lorenzo Mattotti.
The fifth story is written by Richard McGuire and Michel Pirus and designed and directed by McGuire.