Fat-Free Framework

Fat-Free Framework is an open-source web framework distributed under the GNU General Public License and hosted by GitHub and Sourceforge. The software seeks to combine a full featureset with a lightweight code base while being easy to learn, use and extend.
The source code is written almost entirely in PHP and engineered specifically with user experience and usability as its primary design goals.
Commonly called F3 by PHP developers, Fat-Free was released as free software in 2009. Its general architecture was influenced by Ruby's Sinatra. The lightweight code base is controlled and maintained by a small core team, with additional functionality and funding contributions coming from various enterprises and user groups, who also help guide its future direction.
The base feature set includes a URL router, cache engine, and support for multilingual applications. Fat-Free also has a number of plug-ins that extend its functionality as well as data mappers for SQL and NoSQL database back-ends: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Sybase, DB2, MongoDB, CouchDB, and Flat File.
The core functionality is accompanied by a number of optional plug-ins, among them a template engine, a Unit testing toolkit, Database-managed sessions, Markdown-to-HTML converter, Atom/RSS feed reader, Image processor, Geodata handler, a Basket/Shopping cart application and data validation.