Farhad Najafi

Farhad Najafi is an Iranian film director, screenwriter and movie producer.


Farhad was born in Naishabur, Iran. After he entered the conservatory art school for studying graphic designing, he found out his passion in professional photography and following after that in movie industry and directing. He made his first documentary film called “Iran and Naria” in the very early months of entering art school despite the obstacles and limited environment of movie industry in Iran. A short film called “motion” was only needed four months to be created by him after then. At the only age of nineteen, he began to write the screenplay of his first movie “First move”, after producing four short films. Then he launched the direction of his first series “Matador” which is the most successful action genre Iranian TV-show so far. Making successful and award winning action movies and series such as :fa:چارسو |Room Number Zero, :fa:آسپرین |Aspirin and :fa:ماتادور |Matador which has won the best film of Moscow international festival in action genre, has made him to climb up the career ladder surprisingly.

Filmography as director

