Nominally set during World War II, the film begins with a Japanese attack on an Alliedmilitary camp, which a map reveals to be somewhere in Canada. After four Allied Generals, including one who introduces himself as Abraham Lincoln, are taken hostage by the Japanese troops, Lieutenant Don Wen is called in to organize a rescue effort. With promises of a huge reward, Don Wen rounds up a group of misfits for the job, which includes two kilt-wearing soldiers, a hobo, a supposed escape artist, con artist Billy, and the femme fatale Lily, who sports knee-high red leather boots and a bazooka. En route to the Japanese base where the kidnapped Generals are being held, the group encounters two small-time crooks, Sammy and Emily, who follow them in hope that they will lead them to a cache of money. As they continue on, Don Wen is seemingly killed in a surprise ambush by spear-wielding tribesmen, and soon the group is captured by a tribe of cannibalistic Amazons led by an effeminate man in a tuxedo. After obliterating the Amazon tribe the group spends the night in a haunted house full of hopping vampires before reaching their goal. Once there they find the Generals held hostage gone and the base littered with the dead bodies of Japanese soldiers. Before the group can figure out what has happened they are attacked by sword and axe-brandishing Japanese Nazis riding in 1970s-era muscle cars. Here the plot takes a turn for the melodramatic as the group is wiped out one by one by a machine gun, with another killed by a sword in the buttocks. In the end, with only Sammy and Emily left standing, Don Wen arrives, executes Old Sun, one of the rescue team members, and explains that he planned the whole thing from the beginning so that his rescue team and the Japanese soldiers would kill each other off, leaving him alone to collect the reward. Aiming to silence the last witnesses, Don Wen shoots Emily and Sammy is forced to fight him one-on-one. After a long martial artsfight scene Don Wen is defeated as Sammy detonates explosives hidden in the main building, obliterating it. The Generals soon show up and demand to know why they were not rescued earlier, but all Sammy does is dismiss them with the line, "I don't know any Generals. To me you look like clowns!" The film ends with a wounded Sammy and Emily driving off together in a jeep, and the Generals chase after them.