Fang Fang

Fang Fang is the pen name of Wang Fang, a Chinese writer who won the Lu Xun Literary Prize in 2010. She was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. She went to Wuhan University in 1978 to study Chinese.
In 1975, she began to write poetry and in 1982, she launched her first novel Da Peng Che Shang . In 1987, she released her masterpiece "Feng Jing", and won the 1987-1988 national outstanding medium-length novel award. Her other work, including Qin Duan Kou, and Xing Yun Liu Shui, "Jiang Na Yi An", "Yi Chang San Tan", have been well received as well. Since she cares much about the poor, many of her works reflect their genuine lives.

Wuhan Diary

During the 2020 Hubei lockdowns, Fang Fang used social media to share her Wuhan Diary, a daily account of life in the locked-down city posted. The account drew international public attention.
The English version of Wuhan Diary, translated by Michael Berry, was published by Harper Collins on 4 June 2020.
State-run tabloid Global Times claimed the publication drew outrage from the Chinese audience, due to the diary's imagery of the Chinese government and the alleged use of second-hand sources. The speed of its English and German translations, which both became available to pre-order on Amazon on April 8, merely two weeks after the completion of its original Chinese Weibo version, also drew criticism from the Global Times, including speculation regarding “potential collaborations with foreign influences”.
In the book, Fang Fang calls for an end to Internet censorship in China, saying: “Dear internet censors, you should let Wuhan people speak”.