The story centers around Akira Sakamoto, who is a part of a very unusual family. Everyone in his family is incredibly beautiful, except him. Compared to the rest of his family, Akira is often overshadowed and feels left out of the rest of the family when they go outin public. Despite this, his family has never tried to distance themselves from him and they treat each other the same way. Akira and his entire family also appear in the series Princess Princess by the same author of Family Complex.
;Akira Sakamoto The main character and the narrator of the story who's 14 years old and a junior at Fujimori Junior High School. He feels that he is the only normal person in his whole family of beauties. He is a supporting character in Princess Princess, another one of Tsuda's works. ;Harumi Sakamoto The eldest brother of the family at 17 years old. He's called "Sakamoto-sama" by his peers at school and could easily be a model. He experiences problems with girls, because, because of his feminine beauty, he enjoys great popularity with most male classmates, many of whom are openly in love with him. ;Natsuru Sakamoto She is the eldest sister of the family at 16 years old. She is often mistaken for a boy because of her looks. She is also very popular with people of the same gender, like her older brother and later younger sister, but she is portrayed as the only member of the family who enjoys it. ;Fuyuki Sakamoto The youngest sister of the family at 10 years old. She is usually rather quiet. She has been compared to a doll various times. At the end of the manga, she changes her appearance and manner of behavior to communicate more smoothly, which makes her more handsome and caring like her older sister. ;Hidetoshi Sakamoto The father of the family looks about as old to be Akira's brother despite him really being 41 as well. He works as a technician. ;Nanami Sakamoto The mother of the family who, much like her husband, looks incredibly young for her actual age of 41. She looks very innocent. In Princess Princess, when Kouno and Shihoudani first meet her, they think she is Akira's sister and wonder if she is older or younger than he is. After being told she is his mother, they ask if she is his stepmother but Akira not only confirms she is his real mother but also that she never had any surgery or other procedure to look too young for that.