Fall River (Plumas County, California)

The Fall River is a Lake Oroville source tributary that drains the south portion of the Middle Fork Feather Watershed. The river enters the lake along the shore of the North Arm from the mouth of the North Fork Feather River at the tip of the arm and elevation. The river is notable as the source of water for Feather Falls in the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area.
Fall Riversource, west slope from headpoint
Fall Riverborder, Plumas NF
Fall Riverroad, Walters Ridge Rd
Fall Riverconfluence, Boomer Creek
Fall Riverconfluence, Quartz Creek
Fall Riverborder, Plumas NF
Fall Riverconfluence, Kenebeck Creek
Fall RiverFeather Falls
Fall Rivermouth, @ Lake Oroville Middle Arm