Fair Sex

Fair Sex is a Canadian drama film, directed by Martin Laroche and released in 2012.
The film stars Marie-Évelyne Lessard as Sophie, a young immigrant woman who has just graduated from film school. While working on her first film project she meets and develops a romantic interest in Frédéric, which brings up her own unresolved emotional trauma around having been a childhood victim of female genital mutilation. The cast also includes Normand Daoust, Stephanie Dawson, Alexandre Dubois and Michel Vézina.
The film premiered at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2012, and was screened at the Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Whistler Film Festival later in the year, before going into commercial release in early 2013.
Lessard won the award for Best Actress at Whistler. The film received four Jutra Award nominations at the 16th Jutra Awards, for Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay and Best Original Music.