Faik Ahmet Barutçu

Faik Ahmet Barutçu was a Turkish politician


Born in Trabzon during the Ottoman era, he studied law in İstanbul University. In 1918 he returned to Trabzon to publish the newspaper İstikbal which was a supporter of Turkish War of Independence. After the Republic was proclaimed on 29 May 1923, he joined the Progressive Republican Party.
On 26 March 1939, he was elected as a Republican People's Party MP from Trabzon Electroral District. In 16th and the 17th government of Turkey between 10 September 1947– 16 January 1949 he was the Vice Prime Minister. On 14 May 1950 his party was defeated in the elections, but he kept his seat in the parliament. CHP became the main opposition party and Barutçu became the vice speaker of the CHP parliamentary group. In 1954-1947 term he lost his seat in the parliament.
After the next elections he returned to parliament. He died on 14 March 1959 in Ankara.