
proceeds from a family that since 1611 was found among the nobles of Tolmezzo in the Cargna. Ottavio Fabris was by the King Michael of Poland with Diploma August 6, 1677, on the occasion of his coronation, created Marquis with all his masculine and feminine descent, and His Majesty IRA with Sovereign Resolution November 3, 1820 he confirmed these qualifications to both these branches.
De Fabris Isnardis - branch of the homonymous family of Begliano which derives, as we have said from the Marquis Carlo Antonio de Fabris, the married couple , from Begliano di Monfalcone moved her home to that city. This branch also contracted alliances with such a noble family, such as the counts Fenicio di Pordenone, the Rivalta di Portogruaro, the Counts Bevilacqua of Pirano, the accounts Menegozzi of Aviano, the accounts Mistruzzi di Venzone and Ronchi, the noble Balbi etc. It obtained confirmation of the marquise title from the Austrian Government with Sovereign Resolution 3 November 1820 and recognition of the same by the Italian Government with Ministerial Decree 19 December 1897. Aquilio, n. 9 October 1866 Portugruaro, by Alessandro Carlo, Alessandro, Francesco, Carlo Antonio, Antonio and the noble Giovanna dei conti Menegozzi, married Trieste 21 May 1892 with the noble Elena Carlotta of the Counts Mistruzzi

Villas and palaces of the Fabris

Famous People