
The FG-46 is a Chinese spin stabilized solid rocket motor burning HTPB. It was developed by China Hexi Chemical and Machinery Corporation for use in the Long March 2E on GTO missions. It first flew as a prototype SPTS-M14 on July 16, 1990 on the Badr A mission. It had its first commercial mission orbiting the AsiaSat 2 on November 28, 1995 and exactly one month later, on December 28 its second and last mission for EchoStar 1.
It has a total nominal mass of, of which is propellant load and its burn out mass is. It has an average thrust of with a specific impulse of 292 seconds burning for 87 seconds, with a total impulse of. It is spin stabilized at 40 rpm and the propellant mass can be reduced by up to eight months before launch or up to on the launch site.