Fédération des Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs

The Fédération des éclaireuses et éclaireurs is an umbrella federation of about 15 regional Scouting and Guiding associations in France. It was founded in 1989 and serves about 2000 members. The FEE is a member of the Conférence Française de Scoutisme.


The FEE was founded by five local groups in 1989, all of them former members of the Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France ; the following year, they were joint by four formerly independent associations. In 1992, it received the public agreement which is necessary in France for all youth organizations. The FEE was among the founding members of the Conférence Française de Scoutisme in 2000.

Component associations

The sources on the component associations differ and name between 12 and 19 member associations. Among the associations named are:
; Former members:
The FEE as a whole is a non-denominational Scouting organization, but its component associations a free to choose a confessional sponsor. The associations works in three age-groups: