Extrapyramidal symptoms, also known as extrapyramidal side effects if drug-induced, are movement disorders, which include acute and long term symptoms. These symptoms include dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism, bradykinesia, tremor, and tardive dyskinesia. Extrapyramidal symptoms are a reason why subjects drop out of clinical trials of antipsychotics; of the 213 subjects that dropped out of the one of the largest clinical trials of antipsychotics, 58 of those discontinuations were due to EPS.
Other causes of extrapyramidal symptoms can include brain damage and meningitis. However, the term "extrapyramidal symptoms" generally refers to medication-induced causes in the field of psychiatry.
Since it is difficult to measure extrapyramidal symptoms, rating scales are commonly used to assess the severity of movement disorders. The Simpson-Angus Scale, Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale, Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale, and Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale are rating scales frequently used for such assessment and are not weighted for diagnostic purposes; these scales can help clinicians weigh the benefit/expected benefit of a medication against the degree of distress which the side effects are causing the patient, aiding in the decision to maintain, reduce, or discontinue the causative medication.
Acute dystonic reactions: muscular spasms of neck, jaw, back, extremities, eyes, throat, and tongue; highest risk in young men.
*Oculogyric crisis is a kind of acute dystonic reaction that involves the prolonged involuntary upward deviation of the eyes.
Akathisia: A feeling of internal motor restlessness that can present as tension, nervousness, or anxiety.
Pseudoparkinsonism: drug-induced parkinsonism. Although Parkinson's disease is primarily a disease of the nigrostriatal pathway and not the extrapyramidal system, loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra leads to dysregulation of the extrapyramidal system. Since this system regulates posture and skeletal muscle tone, a result is the characteristic bradykinesia of Parkinson's.
Tardive dyskinesia: involuntary muscle movements in the lower face and distal extremities; this can be a chronic condition associated with long-term use of antipsychotics.
Certain second-generation antipsychotics, such as lurasidone and the partial D2-agonist aripiprazole, are more likely to cause akathisia compared to other second-generation antipsychotics. If akathisia occurs, switching to an antipsychotic with a lower risk of akathisia may improve symptoms. Beta blockers are frequently used to treat akathisia. Other medications that are sometimes used include clonidine, mirtazapine, or even benzodiazepines. Anticholinergic medications are not helpful for treating akathisia.
Medication interventions are generally reserved for cases in which withdrawing the medication that caused the pseudoparkinonism is either ineffective or infeasible. Anticholinergic medications are sometimes used to treat pseudoparkinonism, but they can be difficult to tolerate when given chronically. Amantadine is sometimes used as well. It is rare for dopamine agonists to be used for antipsychotic-induced EPS, as they may exacerbate psychosis.
Extrapyramidal symptoms get their name because they are symptoms of disorders in the extrapyramidal system, which regulates posture and skeletal muscle tone. This is in contrast to symptoms originating from the pyramidal tracts.