Expo 2005

Expo 2005 was a World Expo held for 185 days between Friday, March 25 and Sunday, September 25, 2005, in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, east of the city of Nagoya. Japan has also hosted Expo '70 Osaka, Expo '75 Okinawa, Expo '85 Tsukuba, and Expo '90 Osaka and will host Expo 2025 Osaka.


The theme of the Expo was "Nature's Wisdom", with national and corporate pavilions expressing themes of ecological co-existence, renewable technology, and the wonders of nature. In Japanese, this is rendered as Ai-chikyūhaku, which means "Love the Earth Expo," as well as being a play on the name of the host prefecture, 愛知. According to the official website:


The main site of the Expo was a forested area in Nagakute, east of Nagoya, covering an area of about. A smaller area of nearby, accessible by gondola from the main site near Seto was also part of the Expo. Great care was taken to build the pavilions out of recycled or recyclable materials, to minimize environmental impact on the site, and to provide environmentally friendly transportation to and within the Expo area.
The cost of the Expo has been estimated at 340 billion yen. However, the recorded 22,049,544 visitors greatly exceeded the target of 15,000,000 and the Expo made a profit of over 10 billion yen.
The nearby city of Toyota also held some related events, although there was no special area set aside.
The area in Nagakute can be reached from Nagoya by subway to the last stop in Fujigaoka, followed by a ride on the newly built Linimo magnetic levitation train.


121 Participants of countries set date for their own Pavilions.
CountryReceipt of Announcement forLocationNational DayAichi Hospitality PartnerParticipation
Angola2003/ 3/175 September 6. Haruhi Town
Argentina2003/ 1/ 82July 11Okazaki City
Armenia2003/ 6/174June 7--
Australia2003/ 7/166April 21Anjo CityObu City
Austria2003/ 5/144April 27Kozakai Town--
Azerbaijan2003/ 4/144May 17Shippo Town--
Bangladesh2004/ 4/181June 9Nissin City--
Belgium2003/ 1/234June 14Nagakute Town--
Belize2003/ 2/212August 19 Miyoshi Town-
Benin2001/10/115September 21Ichinomiya Town--
Bhutan2001/ 6/201June 2Handa City--
Bolivia2001/ 5/112August 5Toei Town--
Bosnia and Herzegovina2003/ 6/ 93Ichinomiya City--
Brunei Darussalam2003/ 7/196May 18Takahama City-
Bulgaria2002/10/284May 13 Toyoake City--
Burkina Faso2003/ 6/195June 16Konan City--
Burundi2001/12/215September 12Isshiki Town
Cambodia2002/10/ 96May 10Kota Town
Cameroon2001/12/265June 21Tsushima City--
Canada2001/ 5/ 22April 5Kasugai City Kariya City
Chad2001/ 8/295June 8Aisai City--
China2002/ 8/281May 19Toyohashi City--
Congo2003/ 4/ 75September 14Seto City--
Costa Rica2003/ 3/312August 19 Tsugu Village-
Côte d'Ivoire2002/ 7/ 55August 3Anjo City-
Croatia2003/ 5/273April 12Hekinan City--
Cuba2002/ 5/ 92July 26Iwakura City--
Czech Republic2002/ 1/ 44June 24Otowa Town--
Democratic Republic of Congo2003/ 2/ 45May 31Obu City--
Denmark2003/ 6/134April 20Anjo City-
Djibouti2002/12/265June 28Kariya City--
Dominican Republic2003/ 2/ 62May 25Atsumi Town--
Ecuador2003/ 6/302August 10Komaki City-
Egypt2003/ 1/145July 22Kira Town-
El Salvador2003/ 3/312August 19 Nishiharu Town--
Eritrea2004/ 1/305June 10 Inuyama City--
Ethiopia2003/ 3/ 35May 16Horai Town--
Fiji2003/11/246June 22Taketoyo Town-
Finland2003/ 6/254May 12Toyota City -
France2002/ 3/273April 14Seto City
Jushiyama Village
Gabon2003/ 3/ 75July 12Aisai City--
Georgia2002/ 4/234September 22Kasugai City -
Germany2002/ 9/203April 13Inuyama City. Toyohashi City--
Ghana2001/ 9/ 25June 30Ichinomiya Town--
Greece2002/10/153May 20Inazawa City-
Guatemala2003/ 3/242August 19 Handa City--
Guinea2001/10/195August 26Inazawa City-
Honduras2003/ 6/132August 19 Toyohashi City--
Iceland2003/ 6/174July 15Chiryu City--
India2001/12/101July 20Kariya City--
Indonesia2002/ 8/ 66August 17Togo Town-
Iran2002/ 5/291April 1Jushiyama Village--
Ireland2003/ 7/184March 31Kiyosu City-
Italy2003/ 5/213April 28Ichinomiya City--
Jordan2002/11/273July 5Kasugai City -
Kazakhstan2002/11/111June 15Toyota City -
Kenya2002/ 4/155August 18Higashiura Town-
Kiribati2002/ 3/196August 15 Ichinomiya Town Obu City--
Kyrgyzstan2001/ 6/291August 4Tomiyama Village--
Lao People's Democratic Republic2002/ 1/146June 13Tahara City--
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya2003/ 3/243April 7Tahara City--
Lithuania2002/ 4/104July 6Toyohashi City--
Madagascar2003/ 4/ 15May 30Nukata Town--
Malaysia2003/ 6/ 96August 31Tokoname City--
Mali2003/ 5/ 55September 1Jimokuji Town--
Marshall Islands2003/ 8/296Tobisihma Village
Mauritania2001/ 8/225July 14Nishio City-
Mexico2002/11/ 62September 15Toyota City -
Micronesia2003/11/276August 22Konan City--
Mongolia2002/ 4/181May 27Kanie Town-
Morocco2003/ 4/ 43July 1Toyoyama Town-
Nepal2001/12/ 61July 7Toyota City -
Netherlands2003/ 9/ 54April 19Yatomi City-
New Zealand2003/ 9/ 96June 3Ichinomiya City
Nishio City
Nicaragua2003/ 3/202August 19Oguchi Town-
Nigeria2003/ 4/105August 23Oguchi Town-
Norway2003/ 7/ 34April 11Inazawa City-
Pakistan2003/ 4/251August 11Tsushima City--
Palau2003/ 7/296July 8Nissin City--
Panama2003/ 6/132August 19 Aisai City--
Papua New Guinea2003/ 3/286September 16Toyota City -
Peru2003/ 3/282July 28Toyokawa City--
Philippines2003/ 3/ 76September 20Toyokawa City--
Poland2002/ 8/234May 9Gamagori City-
Portugal2003/ 3/254May 24Oharu Town-
Qatar2003/ 3/231September 2Chita City--
Republic of Korea2002/ 3/ 81May 11Toyota City Shikatsu Town
Romania2002/ 4/234June 1Minamichita Town--
Russian Federation2002/ 5/284June 17Toyota City -
Rwanda2002/10/235June 10 Kiyosu City-
Samoa2003/ 6/136August 30Shitara Town-
São Tomé and Príncipe2003/ 6/115July 21Tokai City-
Saudi Arabia2001/ 8/ 81September 9Toyone Village-
Senegal2003/ 3/ 65April 8Fuso Town-
Singapore2001/10/136August 9Mihama Town-
Solomon Islands2003/ 9/156July 13Agui Town-
South Africa2003/ 8/135April 26Aisai City--
Spain2001/ 5/243July 25Kiyosu City-
Sri Lanka2002/ 5/281July 27Toyota City -
Sudan2003/10/125August 16Kasugai City Kariya City
Sweden2003/ 6/264April 6Okazaki City--
Switzerland2001/12/194April 15Shinshiro City-
Tajikistan2003/ 4/ 71September 13Shikatsu Town--
Thailand2003/ 3/106August 12Inazawa City-
Tonga2003/ 1/156July 4Owariasahi City--
Tunisia2002/12/193June 23Seto City--
Turkey2002/12/193August 2Tokai City-
Tuvalu2003/12/296August 15 Cita City--
Uganda2001/ 5/245September 7 Kiyosu City-
Ukraine2002/11/124August 24Hazu City-
UK2003/ 7/194April 22 Toyota City -
United Republic of Tanzania2002/ 2/195May 26Komaki City-
USA2003/11/182June 20Toyohashi City Toyota City Anjo City
Uzbekistan2001/ 6/ 11September 8Ichinomiya City--
Vanuatu2003/11/106August 1 Gamagori City-
Venezuela2003/ 4/112June 29Toyohashi City--
Viet Nam2002/ 9/166September 5Miwa Town--
Yemen2002/ 5/ 61May 23Nishio City-
Zambia2003/10/285July 19Okazaki City--
Zimbabwe2003/ 7/145April 18Mito Town--


Morizo and Kiccoro, collectively known as "Moricoro," were created to be Aichi Banpaku's mascots. The popular fluffy green creatures are both from the forest of Seto.


The official theme song of the Expo was "I'll Be Your Love," composed by Yoshiki, and performed by Dahlia, an Okinawan-American musician from Honolulu, Hawaii. On March 24, 2005, Yoshiki conducted an orchestra and performed the song for the opening ceremony of the Expo. Pop singer Ayumi Hamasaki also performed a classical version of her single "A Song Is Born" on the event's opening day.

New transportation system

The holder was Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition whose president was Shoichiro Toyoda, the honorary president of Toyota Motor Corporation.