Ewert Ljusberg

Karl Ewert Alvar Ljusberg, born 7 May 1945 in Hede, Härjedalen, is a Swedish troubadour, ballad singer, entertainer, and the fictitious Republic of Jamtlands president since the year 1989. He lives in Hällekis.


During his career as a professional artist from the year 1971 he has collaborated with many prominent ballad singers, for example Sid Jansson, Cornelis Vreeswijk, and Billey Shamrock. He has also acted in Riksteaterns Joe Hill and in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. He has created several records throughout the years, from Goknul 1972 to Tack för kaffet 2003. Ljusberg as also created records with Bengt Sändh, Iggesundsgänget, and his brother Arne Ljusberg. Most of his fame among the TV-audience came from his part as the storyteller in Har du hört den förut? together with Margareta Kjellberg. A lot of his texts are written in härjedalska.
Ewert Ljusberg was assigned president of Republic of Jamtland in 1989. He performs a show annually at the festival Storsjöyran in Östersund, where he gives a speech on Saturday night at 12am. Ljusberg has, as president, given birth to Jamtelagen, a counterpart to Jantelagen.
