Evil in Paradise

Evil in Paradise is book 3 of the Race Against Time series written by J. J. Fortune. However, there was a discrepancy in the publishing order between USA and UK, where Duel for the Samurai Sword was published earlier in the USA.

Plot summary

Richard Duffy and his nephew went to Hawaii in answer to a call for help from Jade Munroe, an old friend of Richard's from his days as an adventurer.
Arriving in Jade's hideout, they found themselves held at gun point by her. Barely escaping back to their hotel, they narrowly evaded poisonous snakes in their room and discovered Richard's old nemesis, the Shark, was not only alive, but also back in town with a new game of providing new faces and identities for criminals.
However, they soon learned that they were dealing with a much more shrewd mastermind than the Shark... the Mole, possessor of the only other Kronom K-D2 in the world.

Non-recurring Characters

  1. Sharp White Teeth, Saturday: 3:45 P.M., Hawaii
  2. A Cry for Help, Friday: 4:30 P.M., New York
  3. One hundred feet under, Saturday: 4:07 P.M., Hawaii
  4. Friend - or foe?, Saturday: 4:51 P.M., Hawaii
  5. The snakes close in, Saturday: 6:35 P.M., Hawaii
  6. A simple trick, Saturday: 7:30 P.M., Hawaii
  7. Enter the Shark, Saturday: 7:55 P.M., Hawaii
  8. Stick with the tourists, Saturday: 8:15 P.M., Hawaii
  9. Out of control, Saturday: 10:15 P.M., Hawaii
  10. Stampede, Sunday: 5:45 A.M., Hawaii
  11. Into the volcano, Sunday: 6:30 A.M., Hawaii
  12. Arms Akimbo, Sunday: 7:20 A.M., Hawaii
  13. The computer speaks, Sunday: 7:59 A.M., Hawaii
  14. Chaos reigns, Sunday: 8:15 A.M., Hawaii
  15. Blow-up!, Sunday: 8:35 A.M., Hawaii
  16. Villain unmasked, Sunday: 9:00 A.M., Hawaii
  17. Postcard from Hawaii, Monday: 11:32 A.M., New York