Eva García Fabre

Eva Irene de los Ángeles García Fabre, is an Ecuadorian businesswoman, diplomat, and politician, currently serving as her country's ambassador to Peru.


Eva García Fabre was born in Guayaquil on August 2, 1953. She graduated from the University of Guayaquil with a degree in economics, and completed a master's in international business and foreign trade. She worked as director of economic studies and foreign trade for the from 1990 to 2004.
In 2002, she was a candidate on the Democratic Left's presidential ticket, together with Rodrigo Borja.
In 2005, she became Ecuador's permanent representative to the World Trade Organization in Geneva.
In 2017, President Lenín Moreno appointed her. After Vice President Jorge Glas was sentenced to prison for his role in the Odebrecht scandal, Moreno delegated her the presidency of the Production Sector Council, which is in charge of regulating public policies for production and industry at the national level.
On August 23, 2018, Eva García Fabre resigned as minister.
On September 3, 2018, she became general manager of the .
President Moreno named her Ecuador's ambassador to Peru on March 8, 2019.