European Youth Event

The European Youth Event is an event initiated and hosted by the European Parliament since 2014 with the aim of stimulating active citizenship amongst young Europeans.
Taking place at the European Parliament seat in Strasbourg, the EYE gathers thousands of young people, aged 16 to 30, and invites them to partake in discussions about topical issues with decision-makers and speakers with a wide range of professional experience. It took place twice, once in 2014 and in 2016 with several follow-up hearings in the months after. Held biennially, the last edition took place on 1–2 June 2018.

Objective of the EYE

Its objective is to provide a unique opportunity for young Europeans to make their voices and concerns heard about the future of the EU and important contemporary issues. Furthermore, the EYE provides EU politicians with fresh, out of the box views from the younger generations.

EYE Report

In order to collect and highlight the ideas and suggestions of the participants, a team of young journalists - coordinated by the European Youth Press and with a political commentary from the European Youth Forum - wrote reports on both 2014's and 2016's editions. The report is then distributed amongst Members of the European Parliament to serve as a source of inspiration for future legislation.

European Youth Hearings

During the months following each event, former participants present the most concrete ideas collected in the EYE Report to a selection of Parliament committees in the European Parliament seat in Brussels.
During the hearings, MEPs enter into dialogue with former participants to give feedback on which ideas they endorse, plan to implement in the future or disagree with.


Since 2014, a key element of the European Youth Event has been the organisation of , organised by the European Youth Forum alongside the main event. Yo!Fest is organised around 50,000m2 site just outside of the European Parliament, where workshops, activities and cultural performances are organised in a series of tents and stages. The content of Yo!Fest is designed and delivered by youth organisations and youth groups from around Europe.


EYE2014: Ideas for a better Europe

The European Youth Event 2014 saw the participation of 5,000 young Europeans between 16 – 30 years old, 400 speakers and many supporting partners and youth associations who came to the Parliament's premises in Strasbourg on 9–11 May 2014 to share their ideas and thoughts on a multitude of youth-related topics.
The EYE2014's five main themes included youth unemployment, the digital revolution, sustainability, European values and the future of the European Union.

EYE2016: Together we can make a change

The second edition took place on 20–21 May 2016 was an occasion for Europe's youth to make their opinions heard on many of the continent's most crucial issues, offering political debates and workshops with decision-makers.
This edition had 7,500 young people from across Europe debating topics ranging from space and innovation to climate change, migration and democracy.

The EYE2016's five main themes were as follows: War and Peace: Perspectives for a peaceful planet; Apathy or Participation: Agenda for a vibrant democracy; Exclusion or Access: Crackdown on youth unemployment; Stagnation or Innovation: Tomorrow's world of work and Collapse or Success: New ways for a sustainable Europe.

EYE2018: The plan is to fan this spark into a flame

The third edition took place on 1–2 June 2018.
At the European Youth Event 2018, 8000 young Europeans engaged themselves into activities, which evolve around this edition's five main themes: Young and old: Keeping up with the digital revolution; Rich and poor: Calling for a fair share; Apart and together: Working out for a stronger Europe; Safe and dangerous: Staying alive in turbulent times; Local and global: Protecting our planet.
Young Europeans can already participate online by sharing their ideas about the future of Europe via the European Youth Ideas website.