European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training institute of the European Trade Union Confederation ETUC.
The ETUI was formed in 2005, following a merger of three specialist bodies: the European Trade Union Institute, the European Trade Union College and the Trade Union Technical Bureau.
The ETUI is composed of two departments:
The ETUI conducts studies and researches on macroeconomics and social policies in Europe, industrial relations and health and safety at work in Europe.
It also delivers training to trade unionists belonging to National confederations and European Trade Union Federations across Europe on a wide range of topics.


The ETUI is a non-profit international association based in Brussels, Belgium.
The Institute is composed of a General Assembly, which meets at least once a year and it is composed of members of the ETUC. It elects the members of the Management Committee.
The Management Committee is composed of 28 members of the ETUC, elected by the General Assembly and it deals with the administration of the Institute.
The Director's Committee is composed of:
An Advisory Group, composed of 25 members contributes to the multi-annual strategy of the ETUI.


The five priorities of the ETUI work programme are:
The ETUI publishes several different publications aimed at different audiences, from policy makers, to practitioners and trade unionists.
Every year the ETUI, in collaboration with the ETUC publishes , the ETUI’s annual stock-take of macro-economic, social and bargaining conditions in Europe.


Previously European Trade Union College, the Education department of the ETUI provides training and learning activities for trade unionists across Europe. It delivers about 100 courses a year to more than 2000 participants.
Trade unionists members of the ETUC, or , SE works council and special negotiation bodies can participate to the training. Some of the courses lead to a qualification, in collaboration with TUC in the UK and University of Lille in France.
