European Patent Register

The European Patent Register, also known as the Register of European Patents, is a public register kept by the European Patent Office. It contains legal information relating to published European patent applications and European patents granted under the European Patent Convention. The register notably provides the current legal status of European patent applications and patents, such as for instance "whether a patent application has been published, whether a patent has been granted, what the outcome of opposition proceedings was or whether a patent has been revoked".
The register does not, however, contain information regarding what happens to a European patent at the national level. Since October 2011 however, its records include deep links to the corresponding records of the European patents' "national parts" in about twenty national registers. The so-called Global Dossier is also available via the European Patent Register.
The European Patent Office is the only body that can perform legally effective publication and registration of European patent applications and patents. It regularly issues warnings about scams by firms and individuals that invite applicants to register patents in unofficial registers or publications. Such registration services are a well known scam in intellectual property.