European Pétanque Championships

European Pétanque Championships are organised by the European Pétanque Federation in collaboration with its member country federations. There are five main player groups for competitions: Youth, Up-and-coming, Women, Men, and Veteran. Competitors play a variety of games according to their age. The results of the Championships – excluding Veteran – determine the top 24 Nations to represent Europe at the FIPJP :fr:Pétanque World Championships|Pétanque World Championship.


Youth (Under 18)

Youth players compete in an Open Triple Game Championship in teams of four players, and individually in a Precision Shooting Championship. Youth competitions are held in even-numbered years, and the results are considered when selecting entrants to the World Championships.

Triple team (Triplette)

Precision Shooting (Tir de Précision)


Women's players compete in a Triple Game Championship in teams of four players, and individually in a Precision Shooting Championship. In addition, there is a single head-to-head competition. Women's competitions are presently held in even-numbered years, and the results are taken into account when selecting entrants to the World Championships.

Triple team (Triplette)

Precision Shooting (Tir de Précision)


''Espoirs'' (Under 23 years old)

In the Espoirs Championships, Young Men and Young Women compete separately in teams of four players in a combination of games: a Triple game, and a Double game played simultaneously with a Single game. Espoirs compete in odd-numbered years.


Men's players compete in a Triple Game Championship in teams of four players, and individually in a Precision Shooting Championship. In addition, there is a single head-to-head competition. Men's competitions are held in even-numbered years, and the results are taken into account when deciding entrants to the World Championships.

Triple Team (Triplette)

Precision Shooting (Tir de Précision)

Single (Tête à tête)

Veteran (Over 55 years old)

Veterans compete in even-numbered years in a Triple Game Championship with teams of four players.

Triple Team (Triplette)

Ranking by Country: Youth / Women / Men