Eugeni d'Ors

Eugeni d'Ors i Rovira was a Spanish writer, essayist, journalist, philosopher and art critic. He wrote in both Catalan and Spanish, sometimes under the pseudonym of Xènius.
He studied law in Barcelona and received his PhD degree in Madrid.
He collaborated from 1906 on in La Veu de Catalunya and was a member of Catalan Noucentisme. He was the secretary of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans in 1911 and director of the Instrucció Pública de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya in 1917, but he left in 1920 after Enric Prat de la Riba's death. In 1923 he moved to Madrid where he became a member of the Real Academia Española in 1927. In 1938, during Spanish Civil War he was the General Director on Fine Arts in the Francoist provisional government in Burgos.
He was the father of the noted Spanish jurist, historian and political theorist, Álvaro d'Ors, and the grandfather of Juan d'Ors.


In Catalan