The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice is an agency of the European Union that was founded in 2011 to ensure the uninterrupted operation of large-scale IT systems within the area of freedom, security and justice. It began its operational activities in December 2012.
eu-LISA's headquarters is in Tallinn, Estonia, whilst its operational centre is in Strasbourg, France. The current Executive Director is Krum Garkov, who assumed his role in November 2012.

Management Board

The Management Board composed of EU Member States and the European Commission oversees the agency's activities. Observer status on the board is given to Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein, as well as representatives of Eurojust and Europol. The Management Board's Chairperson, since June 2018, is the Hungarian representative to the board, Zsolt Szolnoki.


eu-LISA is responsible for the operational management of IT-systems EURODAC, SIS II and VIS, while ensuring information security and data protection. Thereby, it allows for immediate data exchange among member states. Furthermore, eu-LISA evolves and develops new IT systems such as the Entry-Exit-System alongside building up a Centre of Excellence and conducting training, monitoring, and reporting. The agency describes itself as "one of the enablers of an integrated response to existing and emerging threats to European security". As such, it facilitates the practical implementation of political priorities and legal instruments.