Esther Rahim

Esther Rahim, also known as Esmet Rahim, was a significant Pakistani painter.

Early life and education

Born Esther Joesten in Munich, German Empire, she was the first child of Joseph Joesten and his wife, Amalia. At the age of eighteen, she started studying art in Düsseldorf and took courses in sculpture under Bourdelle in Paris. In 1929, she obtained a Ph.D. from Munich University in psychology.

Married life

In 1929, she married Jalaludin Abdur Rahim, who was continuing his chemistry studies after having obtained a degree at Cambridge University. Together with her husband, who joined the Indian Civil Service, she went to Madras in 1931. Her first child was born in 1932. With her husband, she moved to Calcutta in 1936 and to Delhi after the birth of her son, in 1939. The couple were divorced in 1945. Nevertheless, she followed her former husband to Egypt,.
In 1952, she left Egypt to settle in Europe, where she remarried her former husband and settled in Brussels before her husband was transferred to Karachi. In 1955, Esther Rahim moved to Bonn where her husband became the Pakistan Ambassador to Germany. In 1962, following her husband, who became Ambassador to France, she moved to Paris, where she died in 1963. Razia died in 1951. Sikander, a retired economist from the World Bank, lives in Munich and is married to Rose-Marie Brierre.


Esther Rahim was a founding member of the Karachi Arts Council.