Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García

The Escuela de Periodismo Carlos Septién García was the first Mexican educational institution of journalism. It was founded by Luis Beltrán y Mendoza, and supported by the Acción Católica Mexicana, on May 30, 1939, and achieved certification of the Secretaría de Educación Pública on July 2, 1976. The school was named after its second director.
Under the leadership of Alejandro Avilés Insunza the school detached itself from the Acción Católica Mexicana and its associated political and ideological tendencies concerning academic freedom.


  1. 1949-1951: Fernando Díez de Urdanivia y Díaz
  2. 1951-1953: Carlos Septién García
  3. 1953-1958: José N. Chávez González
  4. 1958-1963: Carlos Alvear Acevedo
  5. 1963-1984: Alejandro Avilés Insunza
  6. 1984-2001: Manuel Pérez Miranda
  7. 2001-2004: Alejandro Hernández
  8. 2004-2008: Manuel Pérez Miranda
  9. since 2009:-José Luis Vázquez Baeza