Esan North-East

Esan North-East is a town and Local Government Area located in Edo state of Nigeria with an estimated population of 119,346.
It has an area of 338 km² and a population density of 472.8/km²

Towns and Villages

Uromi, Egbele, Unuwazi, Utako, Onewa, Awo, Uzea, Eror, Idumoza, Arue, Ubieru - Oke, Ebue, Ewoyi, Odigule, Eguare, Oyomo, Eko - Ibadin, Efandion, Atani, Alor - Oke, Amedokhia,Ukoni, Ewoki, Ebu.

Economic Mainstays

Commerce, Cottage industry, Agriculture, Furniture making, Wood processing

Tourist Centers / Attractions

The Onojie Palaces.

Natural Resources

Rubber, Kaolin and Timber

Major Agricultural Products

Cassava, Rice, Yam, Maize, Tomatoes, Okro, Melon Cocoyam, Cocoyam Rubber

Health Facilities

The General Hospital, Uromi. Clinics and maternity homes.

Educational Facilities

There are fifteen secondary schools and thirty - five private primary schools. Among these schools are the Our Ladies of Lourd, Girls College, and Onewa Technical College.


Esan North-East is bordered with Atani by Ubiaja, Ebhoiyi by Igueben, Ivue and Obeidu by Irrua, Uzea by Afemai, Amendokhian by Ugboha with towns in all its surroundings.


The Esan North-East Local Government Area is divided into two constituencies. Constituency 1 comprises Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, while constituency 2 comprises Wards 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, making a total of 10 political wards represented by two representatives in the Edo State House of Assembly.

Notable people

Esan North-East has produced well-known individuals who are popular in both state and national level. These include:
The people of Esan North-East include Christians, Muslims and African traditionalists. Before the era of the white, there existed some of the oldest examples in Africa of African traditional religion.
In 1908, Christianity came to Uromi in Esan North-East through the evangelism of a Roman Catholic priest Rev. Fr. Joseph Corbeau, a European missionary who was residing then at Ubiaja. The people of Uromi, in support of the traditional monarch Ogbidi Okojie, accepted the new religion and after a period of catechetical instruction and evangelism, built a church on land donated by the monarch and his council of Chiefs.