List of characters in Earthsea
This is a list of the names of characters in the stories about the fantasy world of Earthsea, created by Ursula K. Le Guin.
In Earthsea, one character often has several names. This is because in Earthsea, the true name of a person has power and a wizard can wield total power over someone whose name he knows. Consequently, any person guards his true name closely and only shares it with those whom he or she can totally trust. Through childhood up to puberty, children are known by a child-name; at their rite of Passage, about the age of thirteen, children are given a true name in the Old Speech, usually by a wizard, that they will keep for the rest of their lives. In the Kargad lands this is not done and a name given to a child functions as that person's name for life: it may, or may not, be the person's true name.In dealings with most people, the Hardic peoples of Earthsea use a "use-name", usually a common word in the Hardic language by which they are identified. Use-names are often words referring to animals, plants, stones and other substances : but some are simply sequences of sound without obvious meaning.
A person may keep one use-name all his or her life, or may change it at whim, or may be known to one group of people by one name and to others by another name. While each true name only refers to one person, use-names may be shared by several people: there are, for instance, three different characters called Rose.
In the list below, true names are used where known, otherwise use-names and nicknames. A secondary list below gives the use-names and child-names of those whose true names are known.
True names are shown in bold type, use names in italics. Child names, names of unknown status and nicknames are unmarked. Titles in brackets are the novels or stories in which the character appears.A
- Aihal – A wizard on Gont, student of Heleth and master of Ged; called Ogion.
- Akaren – A dyer of Lorbanery, who lost her magical powers.
- Anieb – A woman of the Hand, called Flag.
- Ard – The Mage of Perregal, master of Heleth. Created Ard's lore-books. A female mage.
- Ath – The mage who wrote the first Book of Names.
- Ayeth – A sorcerer on Semel. Called Sunbright.
- Ayo — A woman of the Hand, on Havnor, mother of Anieb.
- Azver – The Master Patterner of Roke, from Karego-At. Means "banner of war" in Kargish.
- Beech – Sorcerer of Valmouth.
- Benderesk – Lord of the Terrenon in Osskil, husband of Serret.
- Blackbeard – A mage, descendant of the Sealords of Pendor, who challenges Yevaud.
- Brand – Master Summoner of Roke after Thorion.
- Cob – A sorcerer whom Ged meets and defeats.
- Crow — A book-collector from Hosk.
- Deyala – The Master Herbal of Roke.
- Duby – A eunuch at the Place of the Tombs.
- Dune – Old wizard on Roke, friend of Elehal and Yahan.
- Elehal – A mage on Roke, called Ember, partner of Medra, sister of Yahan.
- Elfarran – Wife of Morred.
- Elt – A wizard wise in names.
- Emer – A woman of Semel. Called Gift.
- Enemy of Morred - An unnamed mage of great power who fought Morred.
- Ennas – Great Mage of Perregal, from whom Ard's lore-books came.
- Erisen – A twisted mage and follower of Cob. Called Aspen.
- Erreth-Akbe – Hero-mage of Havnor, companion of King Maharion. Erreth-Akbe lived many centuries before the primary events that take place in the Earthsea novels. Erreth-Akbe was a famous hero and a great sorcerer, as well as counselor and good friend to King Maharion. Erreth-Akbe was a ‘dragonlord’, i.e. esteemed well enough by some dragons that they were willing to speak with him.
- Essiri – A gifted man of Havnor, who abandons wizardry for musicianship. The word means "willow" in the Old Speech. Called Diamond.
- Estarriol – A mage of Iffish, friend of Ged. Called Vetch. Older brother of Murre and Yarrow.
- Etaudis – A witch on Way. Called Rose.
- Firelord – A mage of great power who attacked the inner Isles as he sought to stop the sun at noon. Defeated by Erreth-Akbe. Thought to have perhaps been a dragon.
- Flint – Husband of Tenar.
- Gamble – Student on Roke. Later becomes the Master Windkey.
- Ged – Archmage of Roke. Called Sparrowhawk. His child-name was Duny.
- Gensher of Way – Archmage of Roke after Nemmerle.
- Golden – Merchant of Glade, Havnor, husband of Tuly, father of Essiri.
- Gray Mage – Mage from Paln who made great spells to summon the spirits of the dead to counsel the Lords of Paln a thousand years before the time of the novels.
- Hara – A sorcerer from Taon, called Alder.
- Hare – A former wizard in Wathort, follower of Cob.
- Hayohe – Daughter of Flint and Tenar. Called Apple.
- Hemlock – Wizard of South Port, Havnor.
- Hatha – Witch of Re Albi. Called Moss.
- Heather – Goatherd at Re Albi.
- Heleth Farseer – Master of Aihal. Called Dulse.
- Highdrake – A mage of Pendor who taught Medra.
- Hound – A mage gifted in finding and tracking, servant to Tinaral and Teriel.
- Ioeth – child-name of a son of Pechvarry.
- Irian – see Orm Irian
- Irioth – A powerful summoner who loses his mind. Called Otak.
- Ivory – A sorcerer from Havnor who pretends to be a wizard on Way.
- Ivy – A witch of Middle Valley.
- Jasper – A sorcerer of O. Son of Enwit, born in the domain of Eolg, Havnor. Childhood rival of Ged.
- Kalessin – The eldest dragon. S/he flies Ged and Arren home after they defeat Cob. Once called Segoy, suggesting a similarity or identity to the creator-deity of the songs and legends of Earthsea.
- Kest – A woman of Iffish, called Yarrow. Younger sister of Vetch and Murre. The word means "minnow" in the Old Speech.
- Kossil – A corrupt Priestess of the God-king at the Place of the Tombs.
- Kurremkarmerruk – Name used by the Master Namers of Roke.
- Lark – A woman of Middle Valley, friend of Tenar.
- Lebannen – King of Earthsea. The name means "rowan tree" in the Old Speech. Called Arren.The word means "sword" in his nation.
- Lord of Re Albi – A pirate-lord of Gont, father of Serret.
- Licky — Slavemaster at the Samory mines in Havnor, servant of Tinaral.
- Littleash — Brother of Rose, uncle of Medra, from Endlane in Havnor.
- Losen – 'King' or warlord of Havnor in the Dark Years.
- Maharion – The last king of Earthsea before Lebannen
- Manan – Eunuch at the Place of the Tombs of Atuan.
- Mebbeth – Priestess at the Place of the Tombs.
- Mead — A woman of the Hand on Havnor, sister of Ayo.
- Medra – The first Master Doorkeeper of Roke. Called Otter and Tern. It is implied at the end of "The Finder" that he may be long-lived, meaning he may be the only doorkeeper, still active when Ged arrives on Roke, and even to the end of "The Other Wind."
- Mevre – A witch on Taon, married to Hara, called Lily.
- Morred – Mage-King of Enlad, ancestor of some of the kings of Earthsea. Also known as "The Young King".
- Murre – Younger brother of Estarriol and Kest.
- Nemmerle – Archmage of Roke when Ged is young. Formerly the Master Patterner.
- Nereger – Mage of Paln.
- Nesty — A woman from Firn, in Havnor
- Onyx – A wizard of Roke
- Orm – A dragon of the West Reach. Slayer of Erreth-Akbe.
- Orm Embar – A powerful dragon of the West Reach descended from Orm. Killed by Cob.
- Orm Irian – A dragon-woman. Called Dragonfly.
- Pechvarry – A boatmaker of the Ninety Isles. He befriends Ged when Ged first arrives. Ged fails to save his sick son Ioeth.
- Penthe – A trainee priestess at the Place of the Tombs. Friend of Tenar.
- Red Mage of Ark
- Rose — Mother of Medra.
- Rose – A woman on Havnor, beloved of Essiri, daughter of Tangle. Also called Darkrose.
- Rose – Mother of Lebannen, from Endlane in Havnor.
- Rowan — Mother of Rose, grandmother of Medra.
- Segoy – The creator of Earthsea, from the time before humans and dragons became separate beings
- Seppel – A wizard of Paln
- Serrathen – Captain of the King's Ship, the Dolphin.
- Serret – Daughter of the Lord of Re Albi, wife of Benderesk. The name means "silver" in Osskilian.
- Serriadh – Son of Morred and Elfarran.
- Seserakh – Kargish princess, daughter of Thol.
- Skiorh – An Osskilian who becomes possessed by the shadow that is unwittingly released into Earthsea by Ged.
- Spark - Sailor son of Flint and Tenar.
- Sopli – A Dyer of Lorbanery who goes mad. He accompanies Ged and Arren on their quest, but drowns himself soon after. Son of Akaren.
- Tangle – Witch on Havnor, mother of Rose.
- Tehanu – A burned child, a woman-dragon. Called Therru.
- Tenar – Priestess of the Tombs of Atuan, White Lady of Gont. Called Arha and Goha.
- Teriel – A mage of Havnor in the dark years. Called Early.
- Thar – A priestess of the Twin Gods at the Place of the Tombs.
- Thol – King of the Kargad lands
- Thorion – Master Summoner on Roke.
- Tinaral – A mad wizard of Havnor. Called Gelluk.
- Tuly – Woman on Havnor, wife of Golden.
- Uahto – Eunuch at the place of the Tombs. '
- Yahan – a mage on Roke, sister of Elehal. Called Veil.
- Yevaud''' – the Dragon of Pendor.
Use-names and child-names
- Alder – Hara
- Apple – Hayohe
- Arha – Tenar, when she was priestess of the Tombs of Atuan. Arha means "eaten" in Kargish.
- Arren – Lebannen, before he became king. Arren means "sword" in the Hardic dialect of Enlad.
- Aspen – Erisen
- Diamond – Essiri. For short, "Di".
- Dragonfly – Irian.
- Dulse – Heleth
- Duny – child-name of Ged
- Early – Teriel
- Ember – Elehal
- Flag – Anieb
- Gelluk – Tinaral: an Osskilian name.
- Gift – Emer
- Goha – Tenar, after she had settled on Gont. Goha is a word for a white web-spinning spider in Hardic.
- Gully – Irioth. Transient use-name.
- Hawk – Ged, when he sailed the South Reach in disguise.
- Kelub – Ged, when he rowed on an Osskilian galley. Kelub means "red" in Osskilian.
- Lily – Mevre
- Moss – Hatha
- Ogion – Aihal. Ogion means "fir-cone" in Hardic.
- Otak – Irioth
- Otter – Medra, during his youth in Havnor.
- Rose – Etaudis.
- Silence – Aihal, when he was serving Heleth.
- Sparrowhawk – Ged
- Sunbright – Ayeth
- Tern – Medra, when he dwelt in Roke.
- Therru – Tehanu. Therru means "burning" or "flaming" in Kargish.
- Underhill – Yevaud, when he dwelt on Sattins island.
- Veil – Yahan
- Vetch – Estarriol
- Yarrow – Kest
Erreth-Akbe lived many centuries before the primary events that take place in the Earthsea novels. Erreth-Akbe was a famous hero and a great sorcerer, as well as counselor and good friend to King Maharion. Erreth-Akbe was a ‘dragonlord’, i.e. esteemed well enough by some dragons that they were willing to speak with him.
Erreth-Akbe gained undying fame when he fought and defeated the Firelord, a being of immense power who sought to conquer the lands of the inner sea and stop the sun at midday so there would be light unending.
In 440, he carried the Ring of Morred to King Thoreg of the Kargs, as a sign of peace between the Archipelago and the Kargad Lands. However, he found himself in the midst of a coup, organised by a Kargish High Priest, who broke the ring in half. Half of the ring was passed along the descendants of the Kargish royalty and eventually lost generations later when the last descendants were exiled to a remote unnamed and uncharted isle, while the other half was kept in the Tombs of Atuan.
In 448, Erreth-Akbe fought the ancient dragon Orm on Selidor, the remotest island in the West Reach. The battle resulted in the death of both Orm and Erreth-Akbe.
Later, after Ged found half of the Ring of Erreth-Akbe, he met the dragon Orm Embar, descendant of Orm, on Selidor. Orm Embar told Ged the history of the ring half he carried. When Ged was an archmage, he met the ghost of Erreth-Akbe summoned by Cob, in the place where the hero died.
The dragons on Selidor and in the West Reach remember Erreth-Akbe and respect him. Ged later said of his meeting with Orm Embar: