Eroom's law

Eroom's law is the observation that drug discovery is becoming slower and more expensive over time, despite improvements in technology, a trend first observed in the 1980s. The cost of developing a new drug roughly doubles every nine years. In order to highlight the contrast with the exponential advancements of other forms of technology over time, the law was deliberately spelled as Moore's law spelled backwards.
The article proposing and naming the law attributes it to four main causes.
While some suspect a lack of "low-hanging fruit" as a significant contribution to Eroom's law, this may be less important than the four main causes, as there are still many decades' worth of new potential drug targets relative to the number of targets which already have been exploited, even if the industry exploits 4 to 5 new targets per year. There is also space to explore selectively non-selective drugs that interact with several molecular targets, and which may be particularly effective as central nervous system therapeutics, even though few of them have been introduced in the last few decades.