Erin Manning (theorist)

Erin Manning is a Canadian cultural theorist and political philosopher as well as a practicing artist in the areas of dance, fabric design, and interactive installation. Manning's research spans the fields of art, political theory, and philosophy. She received her Ph.D in Political Philosophy from University of Hawaii in 2000. She currently teaches in the Concordia University Fine Arts Faculty.


Manning is founder and director of the SenseLab, a research-creation laboratory affiliated with Hexagram: Institute for Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technology in Montreal. She collaborates with Brian Massumi. They co-edit a book series at MIT Press entitled Technologies of Lived Abstraction and are founding members of the editorial collective of the Sense Lab journal Inflexions: A Journal of Research Creation.
Manning is frequently giving workshops and lectures at universities and other institutions, including but not limited to the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste , the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, the Dance Bar in Sweden, and the University of California at Berkeley.