Erica Thomas

Erica Renee Thomas is an American politician and youth leader. Thomas is the Georgia State Representative of District 39. She is also the founder of Speak Out Loud, a local nonprofit dedicated to giving a voice to foster children. She was recognized by the Georgia Center for Nonprofits, as a Nonprofit Leader and given the 30 under 30 Award for 2016.

Early life and education

Thomas was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and she grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. She studied at Carter High School, Cocke County High School, and Oakwood University.


Legislative service

Thomas first gained experience with the General Assembly serving as Legislative Aide to the previous representative from House District 39, she ran for the same office and won in 2014 when her predecessor went ahead to seek a higher office. She is currently serving her second term in office. She is currently serving on the Retirement, Budget and Fiscal Policy, Juvenile Justice and Science and Technology Committees.
In 2015, Thomas was a guest speaker at the Black Business Empowerment Convention of Georgia.

International development leadership and non-profit work

Thomas runs Speak Out Loud, a local nonprofit she founded that is dedicated to providing a voice to foster children. The organization has expanded across the country and has chapters in Nigeria. She has also worked to establish libraries in various locations in Africa.

Personal life

Incident at Publix

On July 19, 2019, Thomas falsely alleged a man, Eric Sparkes, "degraded and berated" her while she was in line in a Publix. Thomas later contacted police requesting the man be charged. Upon completion of their investigation, the Cobb County police announced no charges would be filed. A Publix employee told a Cobb County officer that she witnessed part of the conversation and heard Thomas “continuously tell Eric Sparkes to ‘Go back where you came from!’” but did not hear Sparkes utter those words to Thomas. Sparkes identifies as Cuban-American. Shortly before Representative Thomas told Mr. Sparkes to go back to where he came from, President Donald Trump had tweeted that several Democratic Congresswomen, including Ilhan Omar, should go back to where they came from.

Awards and honors