The Franklin Method was founded in 1994, and was originally for dancers. It was inspired by Mabel Elsworth Todd's ideokinesis, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's Body-Mind Centering® and Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. Extended from dance field to every kind of human movement, this method combines dynamic science-based imagery, touch, anatomical embodiment and educational skills to create lasting positive change in body and mind, using a range of simple tools, like balls, Theraband, and other daily life objects. The activates body and mind function through the use of imagery, experiential anatomy and reconditioning movement to improve function. It maximizes neuroplasticity to relearn body posture and movements by practicing movement with activation of unused musculature. The principal goals are how to obtain dynamic body alignment and how to move the body with maximum efficiency . In every moment, the ideal combination of limbs, joints, gravity, moving parts, connective tissue, and muscles must be found and directed by the brain and nervous system by help of appropriate imagery. Imagery promotes a neurogenic changement of muscular condition which allows immediate results, before any myogenic one. Connective tissue and inner organs are also directly stimulated, with touch and visualization, in order to change posture and to obtain an inner and outer balance.The exercises have a considerable impact on lowering structural stress, too. The method is taught all over the world, including the Universities of Vienna, Cologne, Karlsruhe, The Boston Conservatory and the Juilliard School in New York City. It is recognized by the health providers in Switzerland and courses are regularly offered at Dance, Pilates, Yoga and Physiotherapy conferences.
Eric Franklin is author of 18 books, mainly in the mind/body field, which have been written in German and English and translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Here are mentioned the publications in English:
Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance, Human Kinetics ]
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery
Relax Your Neck Liberate Your Shoulders, Princeton Book Company
Conditioning for Dance
Pelvic Power, Princeton Book Company
Inner Focus Outer Strength, Elysian Editions
Franklin Method Ball and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products