
Ephebopus is a genus of northeastern South American tarantulas that was first described by Eugène Louis Simon in 1892. Its relation to other tarantulas is one of the most uncertain in the family, and it has been frequently moved around and has been placed in each of the eight subfamilies at least once.


They normally grows to a legspan of. Most live in burrows, though E. murinus spends an adolescent stage living in trees. Like many other New World tarantulas, these spiders will brush urticating hairs from their bodies as a defense against potential predation. However, these spiders are unique because instead of the abdomen, these hairs are located on the pedipalps, and are removed by rubbing the palps against the chelicerae.


it contains five species, found in Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana:
In synonymy: