Environment, health and safety

Environment, health and safety is a discipline and specialty that studies and implements practical aspects of environmental protection and safety at work. In simple terms it is what organizations must do to make sure that their activities do not cause harm to anyone. Commonly, quality - quality assurance & quality control - is adjoined to form the company division known as HSQE.
From a safety standpoint, it involves creating organized efforts and procedures for identifying workplace hazards and reducing accidents and exposure to harmful situations and substances. It also includes training of personnel in accident prevention, accident response, emergency preparedness, and use of protective clothing and equipment.
Better health at its heart, should have the development of safe, high quality, and environmentally friendly processes, working practices and systemic activities that prevent or reduce the risk of harm to people in general, operators, or patients.
From an environmental standpoint, it involves creating a systematic approach to complying with environmental regulations, such as managing waste or air emissions all the way to helping site's reduce the company's carbon footprint.
Regulatory requirements play an important role in EHS discipline and EHS managers must identify and understand relevant EHS regulations, the implications of which must be communicated to executive management so the company can implement suitable measures. Organizations based in the United States are subject to EHS regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, particularly CFR 29, 40, and 49. Still, EHS management is not limited to legal compliance and companies should be encouraged to do more than is required by law, if appropriate.

Other names

Notwithstanding the individual importance of these attributes, the various institutions and authors have accented the acronyms differently. Successful HSE programs also include measures to address ergonomics, air quality, and other aspects of workplace safety that could affect the health and well-being of employees and the overall community. Another researcher transformed it as SHE in 1996, while exploring the "concept of 'human quality' in terms of living standards that must follow later than the health..... paradigm of SHEQ,....raising up the importance of environment up to the 'safety of people as a prime consideration'". It is because "Safety First" is called in for the commitment to transform the safety culture of countries. Quality is "fitness for purpose", and without which each and every endeavour will be futile.
Besides ESH, SHE, HSE, SHEQ, a few more acronyms are also used.
OHSOccupational health and safetyOccupational health and safety
WHSWork health and safetyWork health and safety
HSEHealth, safety and environmentHealth, safety and environment
EHS / EH&SEnvironment, health and safetyHealth, safety and environment
SHESafety, health and environmentHealth, safety and environment
QHSEQuality, health, safety, and environmentQuality, health, safety, and environment
HSEQHealth, safety, environment and qualityQuality, health, safety, and environment
HSSEHealth, safety, security and environmentHealth, safety, security and environment
QHSSEQuality, health, safety, security, and environmentQuality, health, safety, security, and environment
HSSEQHealth, safety, security, environment, and qualityQuality, health, safety, security, and environment

Regulatory agencies

United States

EHS guidelines cover categories specific to each industry as well as those that are general to most industry sectors. Examples of general categories and subcategories are:

Specific categories


The chemical industry introduced the first formal approach in 1985 as a reaction to several catastrophic accidents. This worldwide voluntary initiative, called "Responsible Care", started by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, operates in about 50 countries, with central coordination provided by the International Council of Chemical Associations. It involves eight fundamental features which ensure plant and product safety, occupational health and environmental protection, but which also try to demonstrate by image-building campaigns that the chemical industry acts in a responsible manner. Being an initiative of the ICCA, it is restricted to the chemical industry.
Since the 1990s, general approaches to EHS management that may fit any type of organisation have appeared in international standards such as:
The Valdez Principles, that have been formulated to guide and evaluate corporate conduct towards the environment.
In 1998 the International Finance Corporation established EHS guidelines.


As a typical example, the activities of a health, safety and environment working group might focus on: