Entity linking

In natural language processing, entity linking, also referred to as named-entity linking, named-entity disambiguation, named-entity recognition and disambiguation or named-entity normalization is the task of assigning a unique identity to entities mentioned in text. For example, given the sentence "Paris is the capital of France", the idea is to determine that "Paris" refers to the city of Paris and not to Paris Hilton or any other entity that could be referred to as "Paris". Entity linking is different from named-entity recognition in that NER identifies the occurrence of a named entity in text but it does not identify which specific entity it is.


In entity linking, words of interest are mapped from an input text to corresponding unique entities in a target knowledge base. Words of interest are called named entities, mentions, or surface forms. The target knowledge base depends on the intended application, but for entity linking systems intended to work on open-domain text it is common to use knowledge-bases derived from Wikipedia. In this case, each individual Wikipedia page is regarded as a separate entity. Entity linking techniques that map named entities to Wikipedia entities are also called wikification.
Considering again the example sentence "Paris is the capital of France", the expected output of an entity linking system will be Paris and France. These uniform resource locators can be used as unique uniform resource identifiers
for the entities in the knowledge base. Using a different knowledge base will return different URIs, but for knowledge bases built starting from Wikipedia there exist one-to-one URI mappings.
In most cases, knowledge bases are manually built, but in applications where large text corpora are available, the knowledge base can be inferred automatically from the available text.
Entity linking is a critical step to bridge web data with knowledge bases, which is beneficial for annotating the huge amount of raw and often noisy data on the Web and contributes to the vision of Semantic Web. In addition to entity linking, there are other critical steps including but not limited to event extraction, and event linking etc.


Entity linking is beneficial in fields that need to extract abstract representations from text, as it happens in text analysis, recommender systems, semantic search and chatbots. In all these fields, concepts relevant to the application are separated from text and other non-meaningful data.
For example, a common task performed by search engines is to find documents that are similar to one given as input, or to find additional information about the persons that are mentioned in it.
Consider a sentence that contains the expression "the capital of France": without entity linking, the search engine that looks at the content of documents would not be able to directly retrieve documents containing the word "Paris", leading to so-called false negatives. Even worse, the search engine might produce
spurious matches, such as retrieving documents referring to "France" as a country.
Many approaches orthogonal to entity linking exist to retrieve documents similar to an input document. For example, latent semantic analysis or comparing document embeddings obtained with
doc2vec. However, these techniques do not allow the same fine-grained control that is offered by entity linking, as they will return other
documents instead of creating high-level representations of the original one. For example, obtaining schematic information about "Paris", as presented by Wikipedia infoboxes would be much less straightforward, or sometimes even unfeasible, depending on the query complexity.
Moreover, entity linking has been used to improve the performance of information retrieval systems and to improve search performance on digital libraries. Entity linking is also a key input for semantic search.

Challenges in entity linking

An entity linking system has to deal with a number of challenges before being performant in real-life applications. Some of these issues are intrinsic to the task of entity linking, such as text ambiguity, while others, such as scalability and execution time, become relevant when considering real-life usage of such systems.
Entity linking is also known as named-entity disambiguation, and is deeply connected to Wikification and record linkage.
Definitions are often blurry and vary slightly among different authors: Alhelbawy et al. consider entity linking as a broader version of NED, as NED should assume that the entity that correctly match a certain textual named entity mention is in the knowledge base. Entity linking systems might deal with cases in which no entry for the named entity is available in the reference knowledge base. Other authors do not make such distinction, and use the two names interchangeably.
Entity linking has been a hot topic in industry and academia for the last decade. However, as of today most existing challenges are still unsolved, and many entity linking systems, with widely different strengths and weaknesses, have been proposed.
Broadly speaking, modern entity linking systems can be divided into two categories:
Often entity linking systems cannot be strictly categorized in either category, but they make use of knowledge graphs that have been enriched with additional textual features extracted, for example, from the text corpora that were used to build the knowledge graphs themselves.

Text-based entity linking

The seminal work by Cucerzan in 2007 proposed one of the first entity linking systems that appeared in the literature, and tackled the task of wikification, linking textual mentions to Wikipedia pages. This system partitions pages as entity, disambiguation, or list pages, used to assign categories to each entity. The set of entities present in each entity page is used to build the entity's context. The final entity linking step is a collective disambiguation performed by comparing binary vectors obtained from hand-crafted features, and from each entity's context.
Cucerzan's entity linking system is still used as baseline for many recent works.
The work of Rao et al. is a well-known paper in the field of entity linking. The authors propose a two-step algorithm to link named entities to entities in a target knowledge base. First, a set of candidate entities is chosen using string matching, acronyms, and known aliases. Then the best link among the candidates is chosen with a ranking support vector machine that uses linguistic features.
Recent systems, such as the one proposed by Tsai et al., employ word embeddings obtained with a skip-gram model as language features, and can be applied to any language as long as a large corpus to build word embeddings is provided. Similarly to most entity linking systems, the linking is done in two steps, with an initial candidate entities selection and a linear ranking SVM as second step.
Various approaches have been tried to tackle the problem of entity ambiguity. In the seminal approach of Milne and Witten, supervised learning is employed using the anchor texts of Wikipedia entities as training data. Other approaches also collected training data based on unambiguous synonyms.
Kulkarni et al. exploited the common property that topically coherent documents refer to entities belonging to strongly related types.

Graph-based entity linking

Modern entity linking systems do not limit their analysis to textual features generated from input documents or text corpora, but employ large knowledge graphs created from knowledge bases such as Wikipedia. These systems extract complex features which take advantage of the knowledge graph topology, or leverage multi-step connections between entities, which would be hidden by simple text analysis. Moreover, creating multilingual entity linking systems based on natural language processing is inherently difficult, as it requires either large text corpora, often absent for many languages, or hand-crafted grammar rules, which are widely different among languages. Han et al. propose the creation of a disambiguation graph. This graph is employed for a purely collective ranking procedure that finds the best candidate link for each textual mention.
Another famous entity linking approach is AIDA, which uses a series of complex graph algorithms, and a greedy algorithm that identifies coherent mentions on a dense subgraph by also considering context similarities and vertex importance features to perform collective disambiguation.
Graph ranking denotes algorithms such as PageRank and Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search, whose goal is to assign a score to each vertex that represents its relative importance in the overall graph. The entity linking system presented in Alhelbawy et al. employs PageRank to perform collective entity linking on a disambiguation graph, and to understand which entities are more strongly related with each other and would represent a better linking.