
EntirelyPets is a privately held online pet supplies company founded in 1999. Based in Union City, California, EntirelyPets sells non-prescription pet medications, as well as other pet products such as pet toys, pet treats, and cleaning supplies, and ships to all 50 U.S. States as well as internationally.
They have been featured in TechMediaNetwork's list of top 10 online pet supplies retailers and they were featured on an episode of The View for their pet Halloween costumes.


EntirelyPets was founded in 1999 and incorporated as HealthyPets Inc. The company rebranded as EntirelyPets in 2000. As of today, both the healthypets.com and entirelypets.com domains are active, although entirelypets.com is the main site. The company also owns and operates a number of smaller pet e-commerce sites.
EntirelyPets has been recognized for offering pet medications and pet supplies for lower prices than traditional retailers and will match prices with any US based retailer selling U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Food and Drug Administration approved pet products.
In February 2015, the company opened a second location in Newark, California, which includes offices, manufacturing, and warehousing.