Ensemble Organum
Ensemble Organum is a group performing early music, co-founded in 1982 by Marcel Pérès and based in France. Its members have changed, but have included at one time or another, Josep Cabré, Josep Benet, Gérard Lesne, Antoine Sicot, Malcolm Bothwell. They have often collaborated with Lycourgos Angelopoulos and are influenced by Orthodox music.
The group mainly focuses on the performance of music from the Middle Ages, including Beneventan, Old Roman, Gallican, Carolingian and Mozarabic chants. However, the repertoire includes renaissance polyphony as well as more recent works.
The ensemble was formerly based at Sénanque Abbey and Royaumont Abbey. Since 2001 it has shared facilities in the precinct of Moissac Abbey with the Centre itinérant de recherche sur les musiques anciennes. In addition to musical performance, the ensemble also works with musicologists and historians on musical research from this period.Discography
The following recordings were mainly released by Harmonia Mundi.
- Polyphonie aquitaine du XIIe siècle: St. Martial de Limoges
- Messe du Jour de Noel
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- Josquin Desprez: Missa Pange lingua
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- François Couperin: Messe a l'usage ordinaire des paroisses
- Chants de l'Église Milanaise
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- Plain-chant Cathedrale d'Auxerre
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- Messe de Tournai
- Codex Faenza - Selections
- Palestrina: Missa Viri Galilaei
- Chants Cistercien
- Graduel d'Aliénor de Bretagne
- Messe de Saint Marcel
- Ockeghem: Requiem
- Chant de la Cathedrale de Benevento
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- Chant Mozarabe: Cathédrale de Tolède
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- Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame
- Hildegard von Bingen: Laudes de Sainte Ursule
- Chants de l'église de Rome - Vêpres
- Compostela ad Vesperas Sancti Iacobi: Codex Calixtinus
- Ad vesperas Sancti Ludovici Regis Franciæ
- Le chant des Templiers
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- Missa Gotica - XIV siècle
- Lux Perpetua/Requiem