
Enpuku-ji is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Chōshi in Chiba Prefecture. According to tradition, the temple was founded by Kūkai between 810 and 824 AD, and possibly sits on the site of a former temple called Iinuma-ji. According to tradition, in this period Kūkai built a dōu main hall and conducted services at the temple. Enpuku-ji is the 27th station on the Bandō Sanjūsankasho circuit of temples in Eastern Japan, sacred to Goddess Kannon. The majority of buildings in the temple complex were destroyed during the aerial bombing of Chōshi in World War II.

Cultural Treasures

Enpuku-ji is the 27th temple in the Bandō Sanjūsankasho, a pilgrimage circuit of 33 Buddhist temples in the Kantō region of eastern Japan dedicated to the Bodhisattva Kannon.