The Enayam Puthenthurai is a beautiful seashore village of fishing peoples, here various religious peoples are living together like families.., Enayam Puthenthurai is a Village in Kanniyakumari District of Tamil Nadu State, India. It is located 32 km towards west from District headquarters Nagercoil. 741 km from State capital Chennai Enayam Puthenthurai Postal Pin code is 629193 Elevation / Altitude: 29 meters above sea level Tamil, Malayalam and English are the spoken languages here.
Enayam Puthenthurai Village Gram panchayat consist of Enayam Puthenthurai, Enayam Chinnathurai, Enayam, Helan Nager, Ramanthurai villages. Panchayat President is Mary Mallika Vimal Raj from Enayam Puthenthurai Panchayat name: Enayam Puthenthurai Zilla panchayat: Kanniyakumari State: Tamil Nadu Village Code: 227646 As per the census of India 2011 population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes for village panchayats and panchayat unions Enayam Puthenthurai village has total population of 13,097 peoples Males 6,650 females 6,447 Location: Enayam Puthenthurai
The Enayam International Seaport is proposed and located in Enayam into a major port transforming it into India's southern trans-shipment gateway. The project costs Rs 27,570 crore. Reclaiming 500 acres of land from the sea.This will be taken up in three phases. The Enayam International Seaport would have the ability to handle around two million metric tonnes of cargo initially, which would gradually be enhanced to eight million metric tonnes in the coming years. The project was designed and execution area was in the fishing peoples and which is affecting the local peoples' livelihood so that it has been on hold by the state and central government of India. It was initially suggested in the Colachel area then back to Enayam area then this area also transferred to another place due to the people's protests. The local peoples living in Enayam Puthenthurai gram Panchayat are requesting the government to provide a world-class fishing harbor for the last three decades but the government was trying to develop the commercial cargo harbor.