Elisakh Hagia

Elisakh Hagia known professionally as ELS is an Indonesian–American rapper, singer, dancer and actress. She initially rose to international fame when she released the song Slide with rapper Silentó, then performed it with him in Malaysia. She is also known for the popular song What Els featuring Zay Hilfigerrr, which she wrote the lyrics for, and has been played over 31 million times on SoundCloud.

Early life and career

Hagia was born in Jakarta in Indonesia, before moving to Jogjakarta to focus on performing. She started singing when she was 4 years old and initially taught herself on YouTube before taking professional singing lessons. She discovered a passion for Hip hop and is also inspired by the artists Jessie J and Bruno Mars.
In February 2017, Hagia composed a song with rapper Silentó called Slide, which within 2 weeks had 3 million streams on SoundCloud and as of March 2018 has over 30 million streams. Through her social media, the promoter of Urban Street Jam and Silentó invited her to perform.
In March 2017, Hagia performed to represent Indonesia at the Urban Street Jam. In April 2017, she released her second song What Els on SoundCloud. She wrote the lyrics herself, and hoped to inspire other children with the song. She performed it for the first time on Kompas TV. In July 2017, she performed with Silentó for the first time at the Electric Run Malaysia.
In August 2017, Hagia started her campaign for Indonesian young children. She held an audition for young dancers under 17 years old to dance with her in her second single. The audition ended by choosing four children among hundreds of submissions. She brought her young dancers to perform at DBL Indonesia, the biggest Basket Ball League in Indonesia. She has performed in front of the Indonesian minister.



Television appearances

Live performances