Elena Pop-Hossu-Longin

Elena Pop-Hossu-Longin was an Austro-Hungarian-born Romanian writer, journalist, socialist, suffragist and women's rights activist.


Elena Pop was born in Szilágyillésfalva in the family of Maria Loșonți and the politician, Gheorghe Pop de Băsești.
In 1882, she married lawyer Francisc Hossu-Longin.
Pop-Hossu-Longin was a leading figure of the Romanian women's movement and engaged in the struggle for equal rights between men and women, particularly in regards to education. She was co-founder of Reuniunea Femeilor Române Sălăjene in 1880, co-founder of Reuniunea Femeilor Române Hunedorene in 1886 and its president from 1895 to 1918.
