Elena Drobychevskaja

Elena Drobychevskaja, married Werner is a Belarusian artist and graphic artist.


Drobychevskaja had private tuition from 1986 until 1990 with Professor Romanko in Minsk. From 1989 until 1992 she studied as a graphic artist and animated film draftswomen at the department of cinematography in Moskow. From 1989 until 1995 she was employed by the film studio "Belarusfilm" in Minsk. From 1991 until 1994 she had a practical course under Prof. Tkaschenko in Minsk in fields of specialization painting. Since 1995 she has been living in Munich, Germany.


In 1996/97 she worked at Bioskop-Film Munich as assistant animator on the animated cartoon project ":de:Die furchtlosen Vier|Die furchtlosen Vier". The world premiere was in the Gloria Palace 1997 in Munich. Since 2003 she has been working as a freelance artist. Since 2009 member of artist association "Artist Circle Haar".


Drobychevskaja works in a variety of media, including pastel, acrylics and oils. She prefers horses as a subject, which are valued by classicists of Spanish horses. She also paints other subjects, for instance, female nudes. Animals are often used in the artworks of Drobychevskaja, for example in the works Corrida and Wild Horse. Abstract portraits are also a favoured subject. Drobychevskaja uses luminous colors, favouring red shades.

Solo exhibitions